Can I get some advice on lighting/backgrounds?


Active Member
Okay, so there was an issue where the background I had planned on using for my show, well couldn't be used. So I moved a bunch of art I had over to where I film, but now I have a problem with the frames reflecting light. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for this.

Also I was wondering, if I'm even allowed to use the art. Some of it is fanart I got at cons and have no idea who the artist is for some of them. Would it be better if I took it down? My wall is kind of dirty so I was trying to avoid using that now. I'm suddenly paranoid about copyright issues.

Here's a picture if that helps any.
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Darn it. Maybe because it was bigger than I thought give me like 2 minutes and I'll replace it with a small one.
who cares about the art. ofcourse you can show it. do you think people who got pokemon stuff in the background or even spiderman figures are going to ask for permisions? nope :p

i also have 3 random panitng behind me :)

so chill!