Call Of Duty Ghosts Extinction Challenge ideas


Well-Known Member
Hello guys Has anyone got any challenge ideas for my channel we will be playing call of duty ghosts and we will be playing the game mode extinction if you just leave a comment in the video we will take up the challenge and put you channel link in the description and say who suggested it when the video has been uploaded
Its kind of hard for Extinction to be interesting when your starting off and they kind create the challenges for you along the way with relics for example not being able to purchase primarys and not using any classes and what not, once you get to the 5 relics is when it gets interesting and fun. What you guys could do is play the entire match using only a rocket launcher (what me and my friend were gonna do) just an idea though.
Its kind of hard for Extinction to be interesting when your starting off and they kind create the challenges for you along the way with relics for example not being able to purchase primarys and not using any classes and what not, once you get to the 5 relics is when it gets interesting and fun. What you guys could do is play the entire match using only a rocket launcher (what me and my friend were gonna do) just an idea though.
Sounds like an insane idea but great at the same time :D Hey Thanks for the idea :D