Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies-Town Survival


Lord of the Melons
Good day YT talk, WatermelonR0fl does the living dead!

In todays installment, Joe decides to pop down to the Winchester, but will he be able to enjoy a nice cold pint and wait for it all to blow over?

Watch to find out, we hope you enjoy and if you have any feedback then comment here or send Greg a letter in the post!

I'm already jealous... how tha hell can you talk 18 minutes long xD I would already be quite after 5 minutes
Thanks for the feedback-I only hope to one day have a cricket bat so that we can not only reference Shaun of the Dead, but reenact it :)

We play off each other, though it can be alot to ask of viewers to stick around that long. But if you left me and Joe in a room, we probably wouldnt shut up, hehe.