Call of Duty Assassin's Creed Gameplay Commentaries


Well-Known Member
The Ultimate Gaming Channel
You might think that all gaming channels are about the same? My channel is very different, I do various types of commentaries, such as walkthroughs/playthroughs,general gameplay commentaries, and more. When I do commentaries on debatable subjects, I present both sides of the argument while expressing my personal views.​
I upload about four commentaries a week. The videos are gameplay commentaries mostly of Call of duty, and Assassin's Creed 3. However there may be more variety of games on my channel soon. A lot of effort is used to make one single commentary. I don't spam my subscribers subbox with videos every hour, I try to upload no more than two videos a day.
Example: Copyright: Good or bad
I currently can't post links, however in my signature you can visit my channel using that URL. Be sure to subscribe while you are over their.