Calhoun´s mind Youtube Series


Hi guys. Im kinda new to creating youtube videos that includes some scripting before talking.
Im creating a Calhoun´s mind serie. Its basicly Freeman´s mind but from a guards view(Blue shift). Im doing this to train myself to speak flawless English and editing videos.

So what i need is some things to talk about while theres really nothing happening in the game. jokes, storys whatever and something that can teach me how to talk flawless for minutes.

Im sorry if im making this hard to read/understand.
What i need:
Some jokes/storys (Guard things would fit perfect)
Something that is easy to say but also makes a good practice to learn how to talk more.

Here is the first Episode without preparing anything to talk about and just blabbering bad English.

Thank you - - Zorgish

PS: If you want to see my first Episode just feel free to send me a PM.