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YouTube 影片觀看次數代表觀眾觀看影片的瀏覽次數,被視為衡量影片整體熱門程度的重要指標之一。一般群眾看待 Youtuber 的品牌知名度可能以訂閱數為標準,但網路上的觀眾們會不會想看影片,除了內容吸引力外,觀看次數的影響力遠大於訂閱數字。 免费给你带来流量 分分钟数十万观看量
YouTube 網站的官方機制為了確保影片是真的有人收看,而非電腦程式操作。在影片發佈後的幾個小時內,都只會顯示系統認為有效的觀看次數,計算完有效的收視後,觀看次數才會更頻繁地進行更新。YouTube 積極的核對觀看次數的真實性,讓 YouTube 頻道越來越難使用軟體刷流量造假數據。YThunder是如何幫助客戶提升影片人氣數呢?
電腦程式刷的觀看,通常時間很短暫,很容易被 YouTube 判定為無效觀看,我們只提供長時間觀看的流量,提升被判定為有效觀看的機率。
不同國家、不重複 IP
來自世界各地的訪客大量開啟影片瀏覽,觀看遍布世界各地、IP 距離差距大,讓 YouTube 認為這影片在世界各地都是知名影片,更容易讓觀看成為有效觀看的比例大幅提升。
我們雖然無法操控 YouTube 的演算機制,但可以提供高品質的觀看瀏覽,降低被大幅調整數據的機率。事實上,YouTube會對影片觀看次數採取演算法驗證,取得對內容創作者、廣告客戶及使用者都公平的數字。為確保觀看次數的真實性,YouTube 可能會暫緩計算、停止計算或調整這個數字,並可能忽略低品質的播放次數。簡而言之,我們不能控制 YouTube 的核查機制並給予永遠留存的保障,但可以提供短時間內的數據保固。
我們不做保證終身存在數據的承諾,如果有一天這個平台關閉、平台改變運作模式、或影片移除了,這些數據都可能不會存在。您如果在網路上看到有人保證終身,那麼您該先警覺許多提供一次付費終身無限服務的公司,大多以收錢後跑路坐收。Free Youtube views for an unlimited number of your videos! Boost your video's popularity using their simple and free method! Or, buy Youtube views and other services here. has free & open registrations.

YouTube is the single largest content platform/social die to exist. With more than hundreds of thousands of hours of content being uploaded on YouTube daily, it has become really important to have a presence on this platform. Since people use YouTube very frequently, it has become crucial to Free Youtube

have a strategy to harness that potential for your benefit. Being a social media marketer, it has become really important to know how to tap into this vastness of content and still come out on top in your niche. You may know that numbers and stats are important for you to grow on any social media platform, YouTube is no different. To grow on this platform, quicker than your competitors, you need to have a threshold of subscribers on your channel. So we have compiled a list of the best sites to buy YouTube Views, Subscribers & Likes to grow faster.

Well, if you have put up content that is good enough to interest people, then the only thing left to add to the mix is the audience itself. Because of the vast competition, it is really difficult to find an audience, which is exactly why we have come up with this article. The best way to gather an audience that will form the base of your community is to buy YouTube subscribers, views, and likes.

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Not only does it increase the number of people on your channel, but it also increases your chances of making it on YouTube. If that is what you’re interested in, then below listed are the top websites to buy YouTube likes, views, and subscribers from. So without further ado, let’s begin:-

Buy YouTube Views, Likes & Subscribers

Being in the social media marketing business, no way may not have heard about As the name suggests, is a website that helps influencers gather an audience in their respective social media platforms and helps them retain the audience for a very long time. Now, uses only 100% genuine accounts to increase the number of subscribers you have on your channel which is what makes them the perfect website to buy engagement from.

On top of the high-quality subscribers and views, you also get a well-maintained customer care service, which updates you at every point of the process, which is helpful for beginners in the market. Also, they are quick on delivering our orders, which is what makes them a complete unit when it comes to buying YouTube engagement. is the perfect place to be if you want to build a social media presence. Their packages range from $10 to $371 for up to 100,000 views on your youtube channel, which is a lot more reasonable than some of the websites mentioned is a little bit pricey when you compare it to other services mentioned on this list, but overall, the quality and the effectiveness make it worth it.

Next up we have another one of the veterans in the world of social media marketing tools, Socialpros have been in the business for a very long time and hence are quite a reliable source to buy YouTube engagement from. Apart from YouTube, they also have services for other major social media platforms like Instagram Facebook, etc.

What makes them better than other websites on this list is that their ways of getting you subscribers and views are organic. They are completely against using machine-generated accounts to help you grow in numbers and hence use their vast network to promote your channel. What this does is, it gets you even more people as a long-term audience as they relate with your content and hence makes you a successful YouTuber. If you have been in the social media marketing industry for quite a while, we’re sure you must have heard of them before. Their views will cost you $3.50無料のYouTube視聴、視聴時間を増やすための最も簡単な方法、相互扶助プラットフォーム。 無料登録と無料使用のためにythunder.comに直接アクセスしてください。




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Should You Buy YouTube Subscribers?

Remember when prime time television was the most watched time for cable channels?

Or maybe you’re not old enough and are a part of the Free Youtube

generation that grew up watching Netflix and Hulu (if so, that’s totally fine).

The point is, millions of people of the past watched prime time television, which made it the most sought after by advertisers.

But not anymore (obviously).

And it’s all thanks to YouTube (maybe not entirely, but definitely played a significant role). Stats show YouTube reaches more mobile devices owned by 18 to 49-year-olds than cable networks get in an entire week (during prime time!).

That’s huge.

But it’s no surprise, given that there are 1.9 billion monthly active logged-in users.Free Youtube

What would you give to get a slice of that international pie? Maybe an arm and a leg?

Well, you don’t have to go to that extent (thankfully). Instead, you may be interested in a growing trend…

Buying YouTube subscribers.

It sounds beautiful and taboo all wrapped into a bundle of “I got to have it.”

But is it really a good idea?

Let’s find out.

The Benefits of Buying YouTube Shares

As soon as you buy YouTube Shares your order will be sent to the queue for fulfillment. We have a team of amazing growth experts that are dedicated to monitoring the orders to make sure fulfillment is as fast as humanly possible.

Why Do People Buy YouTube Subscribers?

If you have a YouTube channel and struggle with getting views and subscribers, then you know how difficult it is.

It can take months or even years of hits and misses to gain a decent sized following. But what if you’re ready to jumpstart your digital career now?

In this case, you have two options.

Continue to wait at the mercy of flaky internet users to make one of your videos go viral.

Or you can come up with a faster and more reliable solution — buying subscribers.

But Isn’t This Illegal?

Not at all. If you look at the terms it states:

“Services that attempt to get YouTube views through automated means or attempt to force or trick viewers into watching videos are not ok.”

In other words, it’s all in the quality of your subscribers. As long as you aren’t buying services that use fake bots as subscribers, you’re in the green.

So be sure not to buy from the wrong company.

Should I Buy YouTube Subscribers or Wait it Out?

Honestly, it’s up to you. But if you’re looking to gain a larger following (of real people) faster, then this is your best bet.

You’ll come to find that many celebrities and social media influencers go this route. And they do it because of all the benefits that come along with buying YouTube subscribers.

What Are the Benefits of Buying YouTube Subscribers?

Great question. And within the answers, you may just find that you desire to reap one or more of the advantages.

Let’s take a look.

It Gives You the “Legit” Status

When you visit a YouTube channel (or any social media account for that matter), and you see there are 5 subscribers — what are the chances of you subscribing?

Highly unlikely. Most people won’t even look at their video library to see if they have content they’d like.

The truth is that people are followers. They don’t like missing out, and they don’t like being the only one doing this or that.

So if you have thousands of subscribers and a healthy number of views on your videos, then you’re going to be taken more seriously as a content creator.

To people, this shows that you’re producing great content, promoting it, and people like it. In other words — you’re legit.

Get More People to Subscribe

The top reason people buy YouTbue subscribers is that it potentially earns them lots of new subscribers. Again, once you’re considered legit, it’ll increase the chance of others subscribing.

So by purchasing several thousand subscribers, you could find your list double or even triple in a short time.

Then as your video views and user engagement increases, it’ll push your content to the top of searches (and “recommended” feeds).

YouTube’s algorithm uses a variety of factors in determining your ranking in their search engine. If you’re getting a lot of hits and interactions, then this tells YouTube that the content is high-quality and relevant.

Speaking of which…

Boost Your Position in YouTube Search

YouTube ranks you higher if your channel has more subscribers than others with similar content. If you’re optimizing your videos (which we hope you are), then you’ll find your subscriber list will directly impact your search rankings.

The higher your ranking, the more visible your content is. And the bigger the chance of getting new people clicking on your content.

With each new visitor, there’s an opportunity to capture them as a subscriber. Without that initial boost of subscribers, it may have taken you ten times longer to get to that spot.

Balance # of Views with # of Subscribers

If you’re interested in buying subscribers, then chances are you’re also going to want to buy views. It wouldn’t look right to have a lot of subscribers and no one’s viewing your content.

And you don’t want to have a lot of views and no subscribers.

So to make your channel look legit, you need to balance it out.

Get an Instant Boost of Subscribers

Trying to build your subscriber list from 0 to 10,000 is going to be a slow crawl. It can take many months to achieve this goal.

But by purchasing them from a reputable agency, you get thousands in just days. This puts you ahead of your competitors and levels the playing field with already-established channels.

Just continue pushing out quality content and watch your traffic increase.

How to Buy Legitimate YouTube Subscribers

So you’re onboard with buying subscribers for your YouTube channel (or maybe you’re still borderline)

Either way, it’s good to know how to purchase legit subscribers when the need arises.

When it does, you’ll need to find high-quality sources.

If you don’t, you’ll end up wasting your money and potentially having your YouTube account suspended or banned.

Let’s see what you should look for when selecting an agency.

Real People with Real YouTube Accounts

If you end up buying subscribers from an illegitimate source, then you could end up with fake bot subscribers.

YouTube can detect this and will quickly dismantle your channel. The chances of you getting back are slim, which means you’ll have to start a new channel from scratch.

Speed of Delivery

It’d be suspicious if you got 1,000 new subscribers within minutes. It’s better when the service carries it out over a day or two so that it doesn’t raise any red flags.

The Agency’s Reputation

How long has the agency been in business and do they have any testimonials from real accounts?

Make sure you to do your due diligence to ensure you’re not going to get scammed.

Has an HTTPS Domain Name

If you visit a company website that sells YouTube subscribers and they have an HTTP URL, then exit quickly.

You don’t want to make any transactions on a site that doesn’t have HTTPS. This means their website is secure and is up-to-date.

This should be the first thing you check for to determine if the agency is legitimate.

Tips for Buying YouTube Subscribers

Alright, so you’re ready to purchase YouTube subscribers. But before you get started, it’s good to take a strategic approach.

What are your plans for after you get your first set of subscribers?

How about your plan for getting more natural subscribers for your channel?

Here are some tips to help you along.

Don’t Buy Too Many Subscribers at Once

Ideally, you don’t want to buy more than 1,000 YouTube subscribers at a time. If you find an agency that offers more than this, then they’re setting you up for failure (aka account deletion).

YouTube is privy to this practice and will delete subscribers if they appear fake. Purchasing a large number in one day will definitely raise a red flag.

Create a Content Strategy

Getting subscribers is only one part of the equation to YouTube success. The other part is being consistent with delivering content that’s relevant and high-quality.

This means ensuring your camera and audio quality is on point. If you’re not shooting in HD, then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

The consistency of your posts needs to be at least every week, if not every few days. If you’re not active on your channel, then it’ll be more difficult to earn more subscribers.

The purpose of subscribing to a channel is to be notified when new content arrives. However, if they see that’s few and far between, then they won’t find any value in subscribing.

Grow Your YouTube Channel with Paid Subscribers

It’s a no-brainer (or at least it should be) that buying subscribers is an effective way to jumpstart your channel. Again, many of the serious YouTubers are doing it, and it’s helping grow their channels.

If you’re worried about finding a quality source to purchase from — then UseViral is worth checking out.

We have affordable plans for purchasing YouTube subscribers.

Choose from 100 to 1,000 subscribers (and yes, our site is HTTPS!).

So check them out now and take your YouTube channel to new heights!Free Youtube views for an unlimited number of your videos! Boost your video's popularity using their simple and free method! Or, buy Youtube views and other services here. has free & open registrations.