Drunk BS
I've Got It
Ahhh, it was inevitable. And I know it sucks. But here's the deal friends, I need to make a living! You all saw my work in my previous post where I dedicated a week of my time to you fine people of YTtalk. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.233729490106679.1073741829.223230824489879&type=1
I'm offering my services as a professional designer to you at a fraction of my standard fee. All services can be paid via paypal if you're interested in any of these items below.
Here's a short list of what I can do for you:
$20: 'New' YouTube Banner Design
$20: Universal Avatar Design
$20: Facebook Cover Design
$20: Twitter Background Design
$50: Social Media Branding Package (includes all four items above)
I am also available to consult with you one on one via skype or other communication software to discuss how to grow your brand in way to make you stand out as a professional YouTuber!
$30: For up to a 30 minute session
During our session we'll dive into your existing identity and explore how we can evolve it to work with your audience!
I'm offering my services as a professional designer to you at a fraction of my standard fee. All services can be paid via paypal if you're interested in any of these items below.
Here's a short list of what I can do for you:
$20: 'New' YouTube Banner Design
$20: Universal Avatar Design
$20: Facebook Cover Design
$20: Twitter Background Design
$50: Social Media Branding Package (includes all four items above)
I am also available to consult with you one on one via skype or other communication software to discuss how to grow your brand in way to make you stand out as a professional YouTuber!
$30: For up to a 30 minute session
During our session we'll dive into your existing identity and explore how we can evolve it to work with your audience!