Charlie Delp
New Member
Alright, so I just recently came across the song "Brave" by Sarah Bareillies and as I was listening to it, I had my own version of a video in my head. So, I went on Youtube to see what the actual official music video was. It wasn't what I had in my head but it was still good. I then looked around on Youtube for cover music videos, and one came very close, but the ending wasn't exactly right.
SO! For anyone who likes to do song music video covers, I would love for someone to do this idea:
The whole video would be about a girl who goes throughout life (school, family, work) and she is either bullied, or harshly criticized, but she doesn't say anything. She just leaves and cries in private. But while this is all happening, her conscious (which would either be a twin double or if you know how to film two of the same people in one shot), which would be in different clothes, would be by her side somewhere singing the song to her, (which would be saying "stand up for yourself and be brave. Don't let them push you around). Then towards the end of the song, she finally gets up the nerve and it shows her going back and standing up for herself.
I know the original music video is more about being brave and doing what you want in the world without being afraid what other's will say, but I thought this would be a cool video also.
If your up for the task, reply and let me know! Anyone can do this! I would make it myself, but I don't have near enough experience with video making and would be a total fail.
SO! For anyone who likes to do song music video covers, I would love for someone to do this idea:
The whole video would be about a girl who goes throughout life (school, family, work) and she is either bullied, or harshly criticized, but she doesn't say anything. She just leaves and cries in private. But while this is all happening, her conscious (which would either be a twin double or if you know how to film two of the same people in one shot), which would be in different clothes, would be by her side somewhere singing the song to her, (which would be saying "stand up for yourself and be brave. Don't let them push you around). Then towards the end of the song, she finally gets up the nerve and it shows her going back and standing up for herself.
I know the original music video is more about being brave and doing what you want in the world without being afraid what other's will say, but I thought this would be a cool video also.
If your up for the task, reply and let me know! Anyone can do this! I would make it myself, but I don't have near enough experience with video making and would be a total fail.