George Lea

Hey Folks,

I'm just about to open my Shopify online store, and my consultant is telling me, and I agree, that rather than using typical text blogging, for this market penetration I HAVE to use video blogging to set myself apart from my competition.

My target market is primarily 18 - 45 males, upwardly mobile, have a college degree, or at least some college, making $40-50k, and trying to outfit your Man Cave. You're also a bit of a good-hearted prankster, and you love your Mom. Of course, you can be married, but don't have to be. If you have a girlfriend or wife she can get ideas on what to get you, or what you can get her.

My problem is while I'm usually a pretty creative thinker on subjects/topics to blog on, so far I'm just holding all jokers right now. A LITTLE HELP HERE!
I’m confused as to what exactly you mean? Do you mean vlogging as in making a video about daily happening?!Or do you mean a YouTube video in general? If you want to do vlogs based on the products try showing you doing different things with the products (a video on the creation process (meeting with graphic designers, seamstresses, etc.), or even a post creation process show your viewers you doing a photo shoot with the products)

If you mean the latter try haul videos of merchandise, if it’s appeal try doing an OOTD/W wearing the pieces, wear the pieces different ways, if it’s home products try to do a video that features it in an interior setting etc

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Vlogs on products for a targeted market sounds much like telemarketing. Nothing wrong with that but you will have to get to your target,s shoes and talk to their needs. Even better create some needness for your products. A simple idea for not burning out is to make a from good to killer intro for your shop, some videos for your best products and see how it goes. Perhaps in time you change your mind and go for animation or pure product presentation or whatever... Best of luck to your new start!
