Blocking people on youtube

Varlais Alata

Liking YTtalk
Quite the title huh? :p Sadly, blocking is not a thing on youtube.

I'm not talking about the comments section, I'm talking about blocking someone from seeing your channel/ videos.

You can't block people from watching your videos... WHY?!!?

Why isn't that a thing?
Ooh... this needs to happen! oh dear. Chill_Bro_Videos is right... I'm really not sure what to suggest, sorry :( Just block the channel and hope they forget about your content and don't think of coming back as an un-logged-in user. Stay safe!
I tell you what, if any people continue to stalk your content, message ol' Dewmony here, and I'll take 'em down. HIYAAAAH!
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It's already been said, but there is no way to enforce blocking someone. They can log out or create new accounts. It's just not a logical way to approach this.
The only way to successfully apply this is by banning someone's IP but then you have a question "what if they are not the only person using that IP" etc. Would be cool if they found a way around it and apply it somehow to prevent trolls.
The only way to successfully apply this is by banning someone's IP but then you have a question "what if they are not the only person using that IP" etc. Would be cool if they found a way around it and apply it somehow to prevent trolls.

Too time consuming and totally not justified just because someone wants to "stop another from watching his or her vids for personal reasons"