Blocked Worldwide Video....


New Member
I'll try and cut this as short as possible as I'm a little lost on what to do now as I've tried a variety of methods to get this sorted.

My vid (which you probably can't view) has been Blocked Worldwide. Now I was a little confused at the start as to why, but most of my Call of Duty BO3 vids have had claims against them but the Ad's have simply been removed, which I'm fine with.

Though when I uploaded the video it got an automatic Blocked Worldwide. I tried an uploaded it for a 2nd time, and same thing happened.

I've disputed the claim, tweeted YT for a response but have heard nothing back. The thing is, and as to why I'm annoyed, is that if you search 'Black Ops 3 Rise and Fall'. The exact same videos are all here! You can watch any of them and mine if the same. Game being played, commentary, in-game music and video, level etc. Yet they're all on YT to view.

Does anyone have any reason as to why mine has been banned? Could it be a title issue... I've seen a lot worse on YT.
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Activision seems to be pulling everyone's jimmies it looks like with BO3 (, post a screenshot of their claim but they do own the game so if you don't fall under fair use ( you have less of a chance to dispute the claim. I obviously don't agree with them but Activision has been doing this even since modern warfare. If you believe that you fall under fair use because you are actually doing something on the video game to help out with your niche (first factor of YouTube FAQ fair use) and making your own thing out of it then it is more likely that you fall under fair use so disputing your claim would be easier. You have to remember that just uploading gameplay does not mean that you fall under fair use since the game does not belong to you. This has happened to me with EA games and Konami games but I've been lucky since they did not pursue me and take my video down but instead allowed it to stay up without monetization like yours. That's another thing, you can still have your video taken down if you have not monetized your video since YouTube uses content ID now so it will detect stuff before the video is scheduled to upload. Hope you sort it out, Filing that dispute doesn't mean that you'd have your video back up and filing a dispute gives the EA a chance to come back at you which I doubt they will but it has happened in the past. Takes a couple of weeks for your video to go back up if you win the dispute if it doesn't then you didn't win. Since YouTube uses a bot to check stuff you need to make sure your dispute is as professional as you can make it look. Also your channel link is broken :p
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Shezad, thank you for the reply.

It's utter stupid. I'm playing their game and promoting, yet I'm apparently not allowed but hundreds of others are... I believe I am allowed because my channel is a gaming site, thus it is something towards what my channel represents. I have literally not put a random video up with their stuff in, it's their game with their content.

I want to dispute this because I've been allowed to upload the last 6 level videos and I simply cannot just skip the next one in the series! The only thing is, I'm not sure which one out of these two dispute claims to tick and continue with.
  • My use of the content meets the legal requirements for fair use or fair dealing under applicable copyright laws.
  • The content is in the public domain or is not eligible for copyright protection.
Any help on this matter would greatly be appreciated.

PS; I sorted my link out ;)
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Please search YouTube Help for the criteria to claim fair use before submitting a dispute. The material in question is definitely not Public Domain, so if you try that road you will get an automatic rejection on the dispute.
Shezad, thank you for the reply.

It's utter stupid. I'm playing their game and promoting, yet I'm apparently not allowed but hundreds of others are... I believe I am allowed because my channel is a gaming site, thus it is something towards what my channel represents. I have literally not put a random video up with their stuff in, it's their game with their content.

I want to dispute this because I've been allowed to upload the last 6 level videos and I simply cannot just skip the next one in the series! The only thing is, I'm not sure which one out of these two dispute claims to tick and continue with.
  • My use of the content meets the legal requirements for fair use or fair dealing under applicable copyright laws.
  • The content is in the public domain or is not eligible for copyright protection.
Any help on this matter would greatly be appreciated.

PS; I sorted my link out ;)
Yh man that's how companies are these days just not letting us do a lot of things over petty reasons. For the dispute you'd have to choose my content meets the requirements. There are a few videos online showing you how to professionally dispute your claim. You need to make sure that you clarify that you are making your content transformative since its a series and you are using commentary but it doesn't mean that you can win the claim. Also mention any other reasons why your video falls under fair use. You most likely will get the video back but there's still a chance you won't. Just remember when disputing a claim it gives the other party a chance to come back at you which can in turn they can suspend your account and in very small cases take legal action. I don't think this will happen since they probably have more to worry about but am just letting you know the whole process. Hope this helps