Better off just using Adsense?


YouTube Pro
Question 1
Am I better off not joining a network and just using Google Adsense?
Question 2
What exactly do I use for Adsense? A better way to put that is, how would I run all the ads through my channel and manage the money? I just don't know how that works
Question 3
When is the appropriate time to start putting ads on my videos? Obviously if I'm not making any substantial money I don't need my subscribers watching a 30 second ad before getting to my content, so when would it be appropriate?
Question 1: That's debatable and you'll get numerous suggestions saying either option is the right one. I've never felt the need to join one, but I'm not a gaming channel, ever needed licensed music, or ever found myself needing more tools or information than I can find here (or other similar sites).

Question 2: Google has an easy to follow support page titled: 'Sign up for AdSense via YouTube'
It will walk you through enabling YouTube for monetization, starting an AdSense account, and linking the two together. From there, Google does everything for you and you'll receive a monthly check after you earn more than $100 (if you don't reach $100, the money will continue to compound monthly until it passes it).

Question 3: Considering it takes (roughly) 2,000 views to earn $1, I'd suggest that as a good place to start as a daily goal before enabling ads. A check every 3-4 months would be a nice bonus and shouldn't detract your viewers too much. Otherwise, I don't see the point on people monetizing if it will be years before they receive anything from it.
I think you should only join a network if you want to get extra promotion, revenue share with no payout limit. Its all about the extras they can offer.