Better network to partner with?


Hello! I am luukzilla :)

Currently I am partnered with the network freedom, but they don't really do much for me. So I was wondering what something better than freedom would be for a small-ish youtuber with good quality. My channel name is luukzilla so you can take a look and see where I stand in regards to youtube and what network would be best for me.
Thanks for the help! :)
There are networks more oriented in helping the channels than others, therefore they will help you grow your channel however this doesn´t mean that you will get more money from them, so first ask yourself what do you need. ( I worked in a network in Spain, I can´t say the name because of the Spam)
Well I'd rather have a network that actually helps me grow rather than taking a percentage of my earnings and giving me little to nothing in return.
There is no network out there to help instead of helping they are there to just steal your monthly earnings

Do not go any kind of MCN in any manner

you please just stay with the Adsense if you are with this is only one which we can beleive brother
A Good GAMING, network (Hopefully that is what you are) Is Curse, because if you just look at them and read all of their stuff about them they actually give you good advice and other things. Though I have not partnered with them and do not know what they offer, that was who i was going to go with. A lot of the big youtubers are with RPM though. It's worth checking both out.