Best video lengths for a new channel?

Floppy Duck

Well-Known Member
Hey Psychos so we just started our channel and we need a little bit of help! We want to know what video length you should try to keep your videos under when just starting out! We have videos of all lengths but we aren't sure which length is the best! So please let us know what you think is the best length for a new channel!
If your new and small time, shortish videos are usually best. anywhere between 2 and 5 minutes, if its a series you could probably pull 10 minutes but i wouldn't go any longer than that :)
To be honest, no longer then 10-15 minutes if you're starting off. Some people will say to keep them between 3-5 minutes but when doing Gaming videos that can be extremely hard to pull off.

Keep them under 10 if possible, all in all. :3
Ok so far it seems like the 10 minute mark would be best haha the thing is its so hard to just stop a video in 10 minutes:/ I am currently upload a 25 min long Gmod video because I couldn't have seen a good spot to cut the video! It is a horror map for Gmod...[DOUBLEPOST=1402396585,1402396074][/DOUBLEPOST]
If your new and small time, shortish videos are usually best. anywhere between 2 and 5 minutes, if its a series you could probably pull 10 minutes but i wouldn't go any longer than that :)
I saw your vanish game play! You said you were playing with a friend but I never saw him? Is it COOP? I am always looking for good COOP horror games!
I don't believe that Vanish has co-op. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head would be 'Damned' and Gmod Slender. Unfortunately, the horror co-op idea isn't a very popular concept right now, mostly because it's hard to create a good horror environment in a co-op. I can't wait until a truly successful horror co-op comes out, hopefully implanting the idea into developer's minds that it can be done.
I like to think of it this way. If it's a highly edited video like a montage that requires more than just cutting the footage keep it no more than 5mins. If it's just gameplay and it's minimally edited keeping necessary and the most entertaining parts then it can be almost as long as you want just don't expect new viewers to watch all of it.

I say it this way because imagine if you have a highly edited video of 15mins and the viewer only stays for 2mins of it that's 13mins of wasted time, effort, and content! If that video was only 5mins you would have only lost 3mins of content and it would probably contain the best of the best compared to the longer video.

Why does gameplay length not matter? Gameplay and letsplays the viewer comes for the game at first, but returns for the youtuber. You should be more worried about expressing your personalities during the gameplay rather than being worried it's too long or they won't watch the whole thing. My experience so far is that editing series gameplay is very easy and quick. It takes me about 1 hour or less to edit 1 hour of gameplay (not adding render time). Don't expect your gameplay to bring in new viewers I aim to make a montage/trailer of a series as soon as I'm done with it and use that to advertise my channel/series.

Summary keep your I want you to subscribe videos short and your gameplay videos filled with personality where length is not a priority,
Ok so far it seems like the 10 minute mark would be best haha the thing is its so hard to just stop a video in 10 minutes:/ I am currently upload a 25 min long Gmod video because I couldn't have seen a good spot to cut the video! It is a horror map for Gmod...[DOUBLEPOST=1402396585,1402396074][/DOUBLEPOST]
I saw your vanish game play! You said you were playing with a friend but I never saw him? Is it COOP? I am always looking for good COOP horror games!
Unfortunately no it was not co-op, he played while i sat in the background (i was the quiet voice). Co-op horror games are few and far between :/ there aren't many -.- the closest you'll get are Gmod maps, Beta games like slendytubbies or survivors and a few payed games (which leave much to be desired and aren't really worth purchasing for a lets play)

as for multiplayer games, same as you im always on the lookout for em, as for ones i can think of right now (all free):

  • Slendytubbies 2 (not really scary but can be funny)
  • Survivors (russian beta, pretty old, does glitch somewhat badly, does require hamachi)
  • Hells prison Gmod (judging by the videos ive seen from you im sure you know the gmod maps)
  • Minatours maze (also a beta, interesting concept, overall not bad)
The tactic ive been using at the moment is getting friends to play horror games and recording them, that and sharing the game. One player controls the movement (keyboard) the other controls the sight (mouse) can make for soem pretty interesting footage. I do highly recommend Vanish though, its not overly scary but it does have an interesting plot-line and does have a definitive end. (You can "win" XD) its free which is a plus ;) theres a download link in the description of the vanish video ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1402409462][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't believe that Vanish has co-op. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head would be 'Damned' and Gmod Slender. Unfortunately, the horror co-op idea isn't a very popular concept right now, mostly because it's hard to create a good horror environment in a co-op. I can't wait until a truly successful horror co-op comes out, hopefully implanting the idea into developer's minds that it can be done.
I had a chance to talk with the developers of "The Hat Man" back when they were doing trials for the game and i asked them why co-op horror wasn't a big thing. The issue seemed to be 3 main things: Loss of the horror atmosphere, the concept and the programming.

now think about it:

Number 1, the horror atmosphere, you kinda lose an element of horror when you add a second person. In my opinion its true and not true, yes by adding another person the fear level goes down but if you can terrify one person that terror becomes contagious ;) if anything (if done well) it could actually increase the amount of fear! (but again only if you do it well otherwise the game goes from horror to comedy)

Number 2, the concept, What would the objective be? how would the story work? how would the map and atmosphere work? games like slender are about collecting pages what would the goal be? who can collect the most pages first? i think you lose horror value if you make it competitive. As for Co-op, the enemy or monster your trying to evade how would it work chasing two people? if you got too far from each other it'd end up chasing one person while the other collected pages. Also if there's a story line (and usually there is) how does that second player tie into it? (i'm only using page collecting horror as an example but if you think about it most horror games incorporate finding items in order to achieve goals)

And finally three, programming (and trust me im no expert but ill go about it logically), Most horror games are full of suspenseful atmospheric events, little tricks with monster mechanics (how it finds you, why it follows you, can you hide, things like that) and general map mechanics (randomly generated maze, etc, etc). Monster mechanics would become more difficult with 2 people, it'd either require the monster to chase both players equally or for the game to incorporate 2 monsters. Map Mechanics, if you have a randomly generated map and 2 players they'd always have to be together because if they split too far apart they'd be on separate paths and those paths have the potential to intercept usually blocking one player. it'd be like playing tron with an angry creature behind you (actually not a bad concept XD)

Now i'm not saying its impossible, it just requires a lot of effort a lot of knowledge and a lot of resources, id say that's the main reason co-op isn't as big as single player. Its easier to make a single player horror game than it is to make a co-op and success is much more likely to be achieved with a single player horror game, co-op is a risk :)

(again this is all my opinion and my perspective :) and there are many more points i kinda disorganizedly skimmed through them but i'm sure you get where i'm goin)
Depends on the type of video that you would like to do. I like making videos in format of walkthrough longplay without comments, hate to see full gameplays of games divided in 100-200 videos.
I was just about to say 3 minutes but then I saw you have a gaming channel. I would say 10-15 minutes long. Viewers usually stop watching videos after the first 3 minutes, it's crazy I know but you have to hook people in as fast as you can.
I would say 5-8 minutes for videos that are funny moments. If you are going to do a gameplay of games like a gmod map, a minecraft map, or anything short like that I would say 15 minutes. If you are going to do a literal gameplay of a singleplayer campaign of a game like watchdogs, I would say 20-25 minutes.