Backing Up/Copying Movie Studio Platinum 12 Prefs/Profiles

Hey everyone. This feels like something that should be dead easy to do but man, if Sony doesn't make it tricky. I do most of my editing in Movie Studio Platinum 12 on my desktop PC. However, I also do some on my laptop on my lunch hour at work. I confirmed with Sony that I'm cool to do this with my single license, as long as I own all the computers I'm installing it on.

Due to the nature of my videos, I use a couple of custom render presets, in addition to a custom crop template for my outro and a few other things. What I'd like to do is copy all these preferences and templates to my laptop so I don't have to re-create them all from scratch. I can't find a way to do this.

MSP has no facility built in for accomplishing this and I can't find either files or registry entries that contain this. Obviously it has to be stored somewhere. I did find that Vegasaur has the capability to do this internally but then I discovered to my dismay that this plug-in only works with the full edition of Vegas and not Movie Studio Platinum. :( Does anyone happen to know where preferences, render templates and crop templates are stored and how to copy them between PCs? Thanks all!