Audio working fine on Computer, Missing on mobile device.

Trevor Burger

I've Got It
Hey Guys! I wanted to ask this just in case anyone experienced it before. I have a piano part in my latest video. The video runs perfectly on my laptop, but when I go to play it on my iPhone, the piano part in completely gone from the whole video. I'm just worried it will be that way for anyone elses mobile device as well. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, thank you!
Hey friend, I experienced somezong like zat once, on a song...turns out vhenI had sorround effect on in the phone it came out zhat vay. Vhen I turned it off it vorked fine. Maybe you should check if ze audio track is stereo. It should come out the same way onm both channels if it is a simple piano. Cheers.
I ran into this once whit my older videos and camera, turns out I was getting phase cancellation on one channel so listening on a mono source like an ipod or phone would only play back some of the audio. My fix was swap out the XLR to Stereo mini jack cable for a XLR to Mono mini jack cable for my camcorder. You could also import the stereo file into an editor program and reverse the phase for one of the two tracks.