I've Got It
How do you remove the noise you make on the keyboard like when I'm trying to record, but I need to use the keyboard is there an easy way to remove the noise the keyboard makes using audacity? Thanks in advance.
ohhh okay thanks I will try it![DOUBLEPOST=1394126793,1394126774][/DOUBLEPOST]When you are done with your commentary, wait a few seconds then stop the recording, then select the 'silent' area, then go up to effects click on Noise Removal > then Get Noise Profile. finally Press CTRL+A to select your entire recording and repeat the process, except do not press get noise profile just hit ok, it usually takes a few seconds, but it will remove major noises such as your heater running, or keyboard typing. This is what I do for my commentary's.
Okay I will try it and see if it works thanks!there is an effect for removing mouse clicks i believe you can apply to the keyboard
Thanks for the tip I will be careful!!!Be careful with this though. While noise removal on audacity CAN work very well, if you find that there are too many keyboard/clicking sounds, when you do the noise removal, it will create a strange effect. Your audio will sound a little strange, (I would describe it as robotic) but I find it very noticeable. Because of that I no longer do noise removal on my audio, personally.