
Why so Serious??? :P
Ok guys, listen up now!!! :D
I still don't have video about answering on questions.
I have 625 subs, but on twitter or Facebook page i don't have many followers or likes, so if i put status or tweet about "You guys can ask me anything" I don't have reply... :(
So i wondering, if you guys want to help me, you can go to my twitter and ask me ANYTHING you want, or you can ask me here if you want. To have some FUN and know better each other. :)
I want to know my people (YOU) better, and i want to you know ME better. I really want to answer on questions, i love to that. ^^

If you decide to ask me something on twitter this is my twitter.

I hope i will get at least 10 questions to answer. Thank you.
Yeah guys, funny questions. I write you can ask me anything. But if you read this thread you will see that i also write i want to know you better and i want to you know me better.
I really don't see how can we know better each other with this questions... :/
Ok guys, listen up now!!! :D
I still don't have video about answering on questions.
I have 625 subs, but on twitter or Facebook page i don't have many followers or likes, so if i put status or tweet about "You guys can ask me anything" I don't have reply... :(
So i wondering, if you guys want to help me, you can go to my twitter and ask me ANYTHING you want, or you can ask me here if you want. To have some FUN and know better each other. :)
I want to know my people (YOU) better, and i want to you know ME better. I really want to answer on questions, i love to that. ^^

If you decide to ask me something on twitter this is my twitter.

I hope i will get at least 10 questions to answer. Thank you.

What is the most embarassing thing you have done or that has happened to you?
I forgot to say, i will make a video answering these questions. Right after i get like 10 questions (normal) and i will post here on forum. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1385047866,1385047777][/DOUBLEPOST]Hahaha awesome question. I have a lot embarrassing things in my life. So i will pick something funny. :)
If you had a choice, and convenience didn't matter, would you rather live in the quiet country, or the bustling city?