Natacha Martins

The First Lady of YTTALK
So I was just on my youtube, and uhm.....

this TWAT!!! has stollen the yttalk advert video, and i get its promotion and all but, he took my title, and my info, he's a gaming channel, and its just there with my bucket list goal as the title, no links to my channel either, I tried to report it on youtube as copyright, but it didn't let me do that what do I do???

his channel is: iLoveThemGames

What the hell? That's creepy. This is like the second time I heard about someone stuff getting stolen. I suppose you can try to report as some sort of abuse and see if YouTube can fix it. I would try to get in touch with the channel owner though.
I wouldn't do anything. That's free advertising for your site, even if he did steal it. In fact, I would license that video under Creative Commons and encourage people to "steal" it and post it on their channels as a way of saying.. "I'm a member of"
You should get in touch with the channel owner and tell him either to take it down or give rights to you
Just so you know I have given permission for anyone to upload that video to their channel since it was made, the only issue I see here is the titles, tags and desc being used, perhaps request they change those? The video was released free for anyone to use :)
Just so you know I have given permission for anyone to upload that video to their channel since it was made, the only issue I see here is the titles, tags and desc being used, perhaps request they change those? The video was released free for anyone to use :)

yeah yeah i know, which is why i said i get the promotional part and dont mind that, it just botheres me that he copied and pasted my title and info is all
It was just the comment you put on the video, you said my Video and that might come across as if you want him to remove the video itself when its really the tags etc where the issue lies :)