Natacha Martins
The First Lady of YTTALK
So I was just on my youtube, and uhm.....
this TWAT!!! has stollen the yttalk advert video, and i get its promotion and all but, he took my title, and my info, he's a gaming channel, and its just there with my bucket list goal as the title, no links to my channel either, I tried to report it on youtube as copyright, but it didn't let me do that what do I do???
his channel is: iLoveThemGames
this TWAT!!! has stollen the yttalk advert video, and i get its promotion and all but, he took my title, and my info, he's a gaming channel, and its just there with my bucket list goal as the title, no links to my channel either, I tried to report it on youtube as copyright, but it didn't let me do that what do I do???
his channel is: iLoveThemGames