Are there any other VOUStudios partners on here?

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Professional Funny Guy
They are a part of ScaleLab, and are run by one of ScaleLabs' larger gaming partners and one of the owners of ScaleLab. They are a pretty good network in my eyes, they offered me a raised revenue share over what they normally offer (75/25 instead of 70/30) and have really quick support. I'm just wondering how many other partners are on this site?
Well their website is hilarious that's for sure,

I think the fact that they've ripped some assets from the Union for Gamers website is the best part :

(Source: unionforgamers)


(source: VouStudios)

Same background, same image :rolleyes:

Either that or the comparison table were they say that Fullscreen & Maker don't offer either talent management or phone support to large partners and that all 3 other MCNs on there dn't do social media shoutouts (when they do).

Although the fact that they will let you purchase the Freedom network is kind of cool, I guess :bored2:

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