Apple Iphone IOS 7 Rant

Apple doesn't change the look of their phones very much because they are all about design. The design of the phone fits with the design of other Apple products. With each phone they come up with, things get updated, and newer things are installed. Saying it does the exact same thing as the last one isn't necessarily true, and that could be said about any phones, even androids. Apple likes to keep all their products up to date, and that's why they release a new product every year.

I don't know where you are getting $800-$900 from, because I paid no where near that amount for my iPhone. Android also has a voice recognition feature, so I don't see the difference between that, and Apple's Siri.

Even though I have an iPhone now, I used to have an Android in the past. I personally like iPhones more. I like the way they look, the way they feel, and it gives me less problems than my Android did. I'm not saying anything bad about your opinion, you have every right to voice that as much as I do with mine, but I feel like this video was very biased, and you don't know much about Apple products/iPhones.

Also that being said, you should change the title of the video. This video had nothing to do with iOS7.

*Just a side note, reduce the volume of the background music. It's pretty loud, and it overpowers your voice.