Gaming Anyone Own Xbox Live And Want To Collab? :)


Active Member
Hey guys. I'm looking for anyone who owns a Xbox 360 with Xbox Live that owns a gaming channel who is willing to collab. I'll do anything and talk to anyone. At the moment I have no ideas but once I found someone to do a series with I will sure to come up with some.

Just add me on Xbox Live and I shall speak to you about it. Also I'm doing an open lobby today and I'm gonna be posting highlights so come join if ou want a mini shoutout.

Gamertag: ItsBlox

Thanks guys. :)
Sounds cool - what games you planning on recording? If you want to check out some of my old videos to see my personality, check out my OLD channel 'SofaSlugGaming'
Oh, and I sent you a friend request, Expired MTB
Sounds cool - what games you planning on recording? If you want to check out some of my old videos to see my personality, check out my OLD channel 'SofaSlugGaming'
Oh, and I sent you a friend request, Expired MTB

Any game really, as long as we both have it. I'll make sure to add you next time I get on which will be tomorrow. Also I'll go check our your old channel now. :)
Ok cool. Games a mainly play are minecraft, MW3, Battlefield 3 and Forza 4

I have all of them... except Forza 4 but I have Forza Horizon. I usually play Black Ops 2, BF3, Minecraft and some singleplayer games like Skyrim, Portal 1 and 2 (can't do co-op because none of my friends own it), Bioshock Infinite and more!
I have all of them... except Forza 4 but I have Forza Horizon. I usually play Black Ops 2, BF3, Minecraft and some singleplayer games like Skyrim, Portal 1 and 2 (can't do co-op because none of my friends own it), Bioshock Infinite and more!

Well I'm happy to do Minecraft and BF3 :)
Hey guys. I'm looking for anyone who owns a Xbox 360 with Xbox Live that owns a gaming channel who is willing to collab. I'll do anything and talk to anyone. At the moment I have no ideas but once I found someone to do a series with I will sure to come up with some.

Just add me on Xbox Live and I shall speak to you about it. Also I'm doing an open lobby today and I'm gonna be posting highlights so come join if ou want a mini shoutout.

Gamertag: ItsBlox

Thanks guys. :)
Can I join the open lobby today? Tell me when it is. My GT: Rushed Pancake