Voice Acting Anyone need a voice actor?

Hey guys if you need a voice actor i am definitely available to do it. I have a deepish voice with a British accent. I have some vids on my channel that gives you a little sneak peak of what i can do. You can look at videos like isaac and his blind faith or the jams corner "hitman" or "wandalf" vids.

you can contact me over here if you're interested

Hey, I'm Eve, I Have a web toon for the next season I am planning on having voice acting on it, feel free to message me on skype (Official_EV3Gurl) if you want to check out the web series go to my channel.

Hey, I'm Eve, I Have a web toon for the next season I am planning on having voice acting on it, feel free to message me on skype (Official_EV3Gurl) if you want to check out the web series go to my channel.


Alright cool let me know if you do. I don't use skype that much anymore, but i'm always around on twitter and stuff.
Ya hy i make some vfx short films.Tgey are pretty have a look at my channel i want a voice actor are you intrested?