Anyone know who ScaleLab is?

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New Member
They sent me a message asking me to be part of the new network they are starting up, but the thing is I can't find any reviews on them or anything...has anyone signed with them and are they any good? Help would be welcomed. Here is the message they sent me.


I work at ScaleLab, a multi-channel network on YouTube. Our research team spotted your channel, which is why I'm contacting you.

If you're looking to grow your views and subscribers very quickly, get access to high-level brands and sponsors, and connect/collaborate with other YouTube channels, ScaleLab is the place to be.

We also provide development and production financing to our members for numerous projects.

If you would like further info, simply respond to this message and I'll get in touch with you very shortly!


Chris Mendoza
ScaleLab Network

P.S. Also, feel free to check out our FAQ page
I've never heard of them, Do a bit of digging around to see what you can find also with your amount of subs I wouldn't join a network just yet.
I've never heard of them, Do a bit of digging around to see what you can find also with your amount of subs I wouldn't join a network just yet.

Yeah I know. I talked to them over the phone..nice people, but at the same time I only have like 300 subs so why would they want me right now?..idk lol
There's another thread on this forum that talks more about them. Just search "scalelab" and it should come up. They've contacted a lot of random channels, including mine (and I had less than 40 subs at the time). Seemed too fishy for me to join.
I can always appreciate a new business or whatever it may be, trying to get people to join them so they can grow...
Be careful though. If they don't have a reputation out there then it may not be worth the risk.
Never heard of them, keep them low and look for better offers. Nowadays anyone can boot up a network and such.
Seems like a pretty fresh network after doing some research or they just haven't gained many youtubers.

Google them and you'll find their YouTube and Website.

Their website looks pretty professional that's all I can say really.
Don't know anything about them but I like the site ^^ but can't really say if they are good or bad.
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