Anyone know of a good camera?


Raaawrrr Raaaaawwrr Raaaaaawrr!
I almost always make gaming videos, so I don't usually use a camera. But I thought I should get a really cheap camera for unboxings or something. I'm not really looking for a good camera, just something like 30-50$. Anyone know of a camera in that price range??

Thanks :)
30-50$? hmm all I can think of is JVC Picsio GC-FM1A or A Sony Webbie MHS-PM1. Not the best but they're simple to use & both have HD, I've used both from the past. All I can let you know is, they need a lot of light, when it comes to recording!
Yea for that price I really don't think you can get much..Maybe if you stretch to like 80e you can find one of those bloggie type cams.
Instead of buying a cheap camera you could try out using your smartphone if you have one. Most of them have decent cameras now a days!