Anyone Know Any Horror Co-Op Games for Xbox?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all pretty much. I really don't know what to record atm, and I do funtages (specifically of the co-op horror genre) so I was just wondering if anyone knew any games of that genre. If you don't, any really fun co-op game for the xbox 360 could be listed too!
For horror I think there's Dead Space 3? Not sure if 2 had coop. It's actually very rare to find proper horror coop games. Dead Island is another 1, + Dead Island riptide. Normally coop horror can taint the horror experience which is why they're rare. Halo 1, 3, ODST, Reach and 4 are probably a must if you want a fun coop game on 360. There's the gears of war trilogy + judgment too.