Anymore Crazy Challenges???

Ciarans Blogs

Loving YTtalk
Give me some crazy challenges to do and i will do them post them on my recent challenge on my channel LETS GET GOING EVERYONE!
Try and use your head to break as many panes of glass as you can.

Idk dude. I don't really see why you would want to intentionally hurt yourself for publicity, but that's just me.
eat as many cream eggs as you can upside down. (you can do this by leaning backwards on a couch or something)
But a bunch of tinned food (keep the recipt) and walk around your local supermarket with your pockets full of goods and see how long it takes to get busted. Bear in mind I think they will keep you there a while because what your doing doesn't make sense and they might think its a scam, but hopefully with no CCTV evidence you shouldn't be convicted, but I don't know that for sure or anything. Also not sure how you could film it, secret cameras would be cool though.