Anybody promote their channel with business cards? Any luck?


Nice Man
I realize this idea seems a bit antiquated, but my channel is the kind of thing that might appeal to a few older folks who aren't fully tracking with the concept of YouTube. I thought it might be useful to print up some nice looking business cards that explain how to find and subscribe to my channel.
Have any of you tried anything like this? Was it useful?
Business Cards are for business related stuff... So if you have (preferably an online/internet) company, then there's a chance people will watch it. Or perhaps a wellknown Youtuber.

But it's too cumbersome to type the URL down from the business cards. Unless printing is free, I wouldn't waste time and money on that.

Maybe in over 20 years, where you could swipe cards over your screen and it instantly send you to their Youtube Space...

EDIT: I thought about your content... It could help if you're having offline lectures/talks about it and people are interested...
I think in your case it could be beneficial.

I see reaching out to communities close to you would work, especially as that type of channel isn't so widespread.
I think the older generations in particular find business cards useful, so I would make them. I made some music business cards a few months back, and I recently decided to print a new set with the following at the bottom:
YouTube: URL
or search for 'channel name' on YouTube

Business cards can be super cheap - I bought some silvery shimmery metallic cardstalk from an office supply store and used my old black ink printer to make simple, but clean-looking business cards. There are lots of business card templates online, and Microsoft Word even has a few built-in templates.

If you are ever in a situation where someone wants to know what you do, or is interested in what you have to say, I think it's great to have a few in your wallet ready to go! I would include other information on them besides just your channel link - maybe even an inspiring quote. I put an email and contact number on mine, but I'm also trying to creep into the music world and would love to play at local venues and such.. : )

I'm hesitant about using the word "subscribe" on them. It's what YouTube calls it, so it may be necessary, but I've noticed that older folks tend to assume "subscribing" means they will need to pay money for a service. But..I'd be happy if they just watched a few videos and not necessarily subscribed, so I've left the word off for now.

I'm new to all of this, so I've yet to really see if it makes much of a difference, but I don't think they can hurt!
Our channel actually uses business cards, mainly because we interview so many people, that we hand them these cards after each interview so they can check us out before their interview is online. We've started doing this because we would get a lot of people asking about the show as we were interviewing then, so we can now nip it in the bud by giving them access to our channel, so they can see the sort of videos they'll be in on! Plus, of course, it's a great, simple way to bring more people onto our channel. But this is just in our case, as it would be different for each of you and the content you're producing.
We printed up some business cards about a week ago and haven't given any out yet so far. We were going to use them for an interview video at a park as a way to show we were "legit". Our audience is very young children, so I don't know how practical that is. The printing can be very cheap though. Also, there are restaurants and stores that have bulletin boards to put up business cards or index cards for advertisement. It wouldn't hurt to put a few up. Some restaurants also have fish bowls for drawings for free food. If you put your cards in there, other people can see it through the fishbowl for more advertising!
I doubt the return on investment would be very good. The business card will cost more than the potential 1-3 views.
I was thinking about that option. Vistaprint has like 500 for Iike 5 bucks last I checked. Good to give out in a public setting
I haven't used business cards, but I can see how they would be useful if you were encountering a lot of new people (e.g. when starting at a new school). That way, if you told someone you had a channel and they wanted to have a look, you would have something handy to give them with your channel name on it.