Well, to be honest, its not really enticing for someone to have to go through the hassel of recording, uploading, and such. I know that one of my HD files can take over 2-3 hours to upload, and that really just doesn't seem practical in any case.
Perhaps what you should check out, are ways to make your capture card device work on yours. Here are a few tips to try.\:
1. Do you know what USB the card supports, and what USB you have?
2. Have your tried all USB ports, some have better connection than others, allowing for your computer to actually pick up that your capture card is plugged in.
3. Are you sure you have everything plugged in correctly?
4. Have you tried visiting the cards website and viewing their support documents, such as certain kinds of help.
5. Have your tried a different computer that you can use in your house for a while? (i.e. a laptop etc.)
If all else fails, I'm sorry but not too many people, without the offer of real life money are going to want to utilize their time into recoring for someone else. Sorry to tell you, but that's the way I see it.