Gaming Any up for a Collab for Hidden Source?


ive been playing Hidden for a while and would love to do a video of it, but on its own isnt that fun, if anyone is intrested im playing it with me give me a shout! Also if you dont mind me doing a video ill also record it, mics arnt needed but its always better to have!

My youtube -

My steam - DigiShark

If you just wana game then i wont record and we can still have funs! ^^

Digi XxX
awesome! just send me a shout over youtube or on steam when your are able to play and we'll sort something out!
awesome, ive posted around just waiting on replys, im currently just testing my server if u wana join in for just messing about and stuff, IP is, welcome to join
just made a little Hidden Source server, anyone up for a game? Ip is =D
hey guys so i think i have some of you on steam and will be sending you all this message but you guys up for a hidden source video/play 2morrow (weds) at about 11pm GMT? ill also send this message via steam, plan is skype call and play on my server (so no randoms with us) i have a few others that will join us so its about a 5-6 player game hopefully