Any other theatre groups or performance-art related channels out there?

I keep trying to get our local community theater to let me be their "official vlogger," but no one else thinks it's a good idea. I love watching "behind the scenes" videos of rehearsals, backstage, cast interviews, etc. I think it's fun!
The closest I come is some backstage silliness vlogging through rehearsals of a show I did last year.
You can check out the "East Coast/West Side" playlist on my channel :)
I keep trying to get our local community theater to let me be their "official vlogger," but no one else thinks it's a good idea. I love watching "behind the scenes" videos of rehearsals, backstage, cast interviews, etc. I think it's fun!

How weird, it is always good to get your work and projects out there to a bigger audience (IMHO). Thats the kind of thing a few of our members are interested in seeing from other groups as well.