Any luck with Reddit?

I've posted several times on it... and I have found that when posting on there, my video get a few dislikes... which is pants :/

But haters gonna hate :)

Anyone else ever had much luck with this website?
oddly enough i dont get a lot of hate when i post to reditt. I got one guy once who told me "it was bad you should die" but that was the end of my reddit trolls lol. I dont post in the main reddit category though I post in a sub reddit so possibly that is why.
I just posted over there a couple minutes ago , I'd imagine that the response is not going to be great .... I'm thinking about taking down the post because I already have enough haters to deal with , people can be so ignorant :/ but there's always this site , and twitter / tumblr/facebook etc. I don't really trust reddit
I've Had No Luck On Their Either.. Never Got Any Thumbs Up Or Even Responses On The Stuff I've Posted. What a Pain.
I've hit the front page once with a submission on AskReddit. I included a link to a friend's youtube video and it certainly gained a lot of views for a short while. The response for the video was mixed.

Other than that, I haven't really had much success with directly submitting youtube videos.