Depends on what you want, "frame by frame" could be a thousand different things. Is it a masking guide you want? That's one of the best frame by frame uses out there. WHAT do you want.
If it's Anime have you ever thought about using Flash to create the movements instead?
There's loads of animation tutorials for flash.
It's pretty powerful. Does "lipflaps" need to be frame by frame? Because you could use manipulation and tweens in Flash as an option as well. I'd recommend trying it out if you can get a trial version (orthefullversionsomehowbecauseitsadobeandtheycanbearseholessometimes). I used to use it for web design and in high school some really bad animations xDUsing Flash as in to create certain lipflaps and draw them? Hmmm...I've never used flash before so it'll take time for me to get used to it.
It's pretty powerful. Does "lipflaps" need to be frame by frame? Because you could use manipulation and tweens in Flash as an option as well. I'd recommend trying it out if you can get a trial version (orthefullversionsomehowbecauseitsadobeandtheycanbearseholessometimes). I used to use it for web design and in high school some really bad animations xD
Well most people just work using masked layers, it's very easy to do just look up guides on Youtube.Oh sorry LOL. As in Frame by Frame editing - lip-flaps. Like have you seen Anime Abridged episodes? I'm sure you have, like how do you get them to move their lips so fluently? I try to use sony vegas and edit them frame by frame but I'm not too sure if what I'm doing is correct and efficient.
Well most people just work using masked layers, it's very easy to do just look up guides on Youtube.
Many of the things you can do are very different, and some require certaint vfx plugins.