Any Good Animators Here?


Anybody here good at animating? I'm looking for 2 or 3 people and when I mean by animation. I mean something that's semi decent, not like the funny troll animations you see now a days haha. Let me know! COMPENSATION & CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN
Bit cheeky, isn't it? 5 posts, less than a day active and you're already asking for people to do stuff for you, with no offer of compensation or credit.

Not off to a good start then ;)
Bit cheeky, isn't it? 5 posts, less than a day active and you're already asking for people to do stuff for you, with no offer of compensation or credit.

Not off to a good start then ;)
Who said I wasn't going to compensate and give them credit? I would never ask people to work on a project for me for free, if it makes you feel better. I'll re-edit my post and add "COMPENSATION & CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN"