another one of those name threads


Well-Known Member
hello, my second post here on yttalk and i could use your help.

im wanting to create a youtube channel to show some lets play vids, reviews of games I've played and maybe some vlogs about vegas life. i just can't come up with a name.

ive been up and down the thought process of usingy real name on there but i dont know.

ive gone back and forth with my cousin and we came up with some examples.

using my real name i could jus use "Reuben E." but it seems so bland?

here are others we came up with: zerothought, pressanykey, and i forget the rest.

one i jus thought of was due to a buddy of. mine who suggested it to me as a pick-up line to meet girls (we were both drunk) which is "Reuben:Just Like the Sandwich" which sounds weird but i cant let go of this possibility either.

help please?
Man honestly i've been bad with names myself lol. And even more as an artist and producer people expect your name to be something good and i sucked at it. So i just kept it simple now. Wish i could change my channel URL but oh well can't do nomore.

Honestly those 2 names i don't think they would go well in the public. The zerothought maybe but not pressanykey. And if you're going with your real name you should consider having lastname as well. It kinda makes it more official. I havent seen many people who would have their real name and just the capital letter of their last name on youtube. Unless you can combine your real name with something related to your channel thats basically what i did with ''Alex Got Beats'' and just kept it simple.

You kinda wanna think about how its gonna look in public and after 2-3-4 years will you still want that name will you not get bored off it or embarrassed. Will it always go along with what you're doing. Does it seem professional. Ya know ask those questions. Take care.

.......i need to stahp this long typing. okay bye xD