Another Gential Song!

Tom Stevenson

Who knows what I do!
I had a huge success with 'Chilli Willy', and my '***** song' is doing good too. I've had some great reviews on my 'Erections song' too.

So it seams my pointless musical interludes about genitals make people giggle.
So, where do i go from here? a Lady garden song? another man junk song?
A Bum/Trump song?

Would anyone like to Collaborate as a co-writer? or Co-singer?

Let me know!
Fishy Thoughts? That sounds Disgusting?! I have an idea for a short song, but I think its a bit stupid. I might record it anyway. get some more comedy songs out there!

what? see the premise of it is like a fish singing right and the chorus is
"Stop comparing me to your crotch,
we know fish ,you dont know much,
About our hygiene, we smell clean
You just haven't washed your in between"

Its just....perfect LOL

Yes he came up with this on the spot
what? see the premise of it is like a fish singing right and the chorus is
"Stop comparing me to your crotch,
we know fish ,you dont know much,
About our hygiene, we smell clean
You just haven't washed your in between"

Its just....perfect LOL

You're mental. I'm so glad we've got you on the Collab!