And Then There Were Three


Active Member
Imagine, a world where humanity is down to the bare bones of times, except for one little exception... the world is plagued with an unknown virus. The virus is blood borne, therefore if it spreads from one person to the other... well, you know the rest.

This is my idea for a video. It is still being developed and I would like to know if anybody would be interested in supporting, or at least viewing my project when it's complete?

The title in the thread will be the video title as well so expect this video to be released within the end of July/August/Possibly Beginning of September.

--- UnIden7iFieD[DOUBLEPOST=1372811877,1372811729][/DOUBLEPOST]Note that I am still deciding if this will be a fully pledged idea so when the script is finished, I will release the names of the characters and the official plot. Otherwise this may not see the light of day... for now.
The project is now a go! The teaser trailer has been posted on my channel.

Here is the character listings!

And Then There Were Three
Manuscript created by UnIden7iFieD
Main characters:
  1. Steve
  2. Chris
  3. Alex
Supporting Characters:
  1. Nico
  2. Daemon
  3. Bernard
  4. Angel

Description of Main Characters

Steve - Main character - wakes up in an army based hospital camp outside of the city. His pre apocalypse life was serving in the national guard in the city. His skills in the national guard have prepped him for surviving in harsh conditions, however with very little firearm training, Steve is basically useful for finding supplies and helping others in harsh and unimaginable conditions.

Chris - Co main character - finds Steve and brings him to safety along with Chris’s friend Alex.
His pre apocalypse life was training for a 5k run. He was also a pro gun user. He bought a lot of weapons before the apocalypse, but was only able to take his M9 and his double barrel shotgun after 28 days had passed in the apocalypse.

Alex - Co main character - Rescued by his friend Chris, he will be seen from time to time as the guy who prepares for uncertain doom. His pre apocalypse life was being a redstone hacker. His ability allows him to create sources of heat and light using redstone and flint and steel.

Description of Supporting Characters

Nico - Nico is your usual *******. He can be a douche at times but can be handy when you're in need. Nico was working as a franchise owner for T.G.I. Fridays and had some other jobs on the side. He didn't get paid very much but he lived with what he had and he was completely fine with it. There is no definitive way to describe his life but a basic idea would be that he’s a pretty understanding person but can ruin the moment if he is introduced at the wrong time.

Daemon - Daemon is the one out of the ordinary. Daemon is the one who is scared by the smallest thing. Hes not the weakest but he is the most un-easy. We can’t tell what happened before the apocalypse but rumor has it he spent his days playing slenderman and watching many zombie flicks both cheesy and horrifying.

Bernard - Bernard is introduced in the story when shown in a scene chasing Angel, later described. The chase between the two ends when angel saves Bernards life from an infected individual. After being in the NYPD for 3 years as an Officer of the law, Bernard spent his pre apocalypse days in criminal investigation and sometimes in the firing range. He is quite useful in combat, and is a very smart sleuth.

Angel - Angel is a wanted man in New York for smuggling crack into New York City. He is a smart criminal, who has a hatred for police, but in the end saves Bernard from certain death. His pre apocalypse days were spent smuggling drugs, yet never using them.[DOUBLEPOST=1372992066,1372991458][/DOUBLEPOST]Script Production: I am currently writing Scene 4 and it is going great. Scene's 1-3 are complete and will be revised to be more awesome, or just plainly corrected of any spelling errors. Please keep in mind that the script is still in early development. Expect a lot of changes afterwards. Here is an excerpt from scene 3:
Chris: He looks healthy, but I don’t know if we should trust him.

Alex: Chris, I don’t know either, but he has army equipment on him, maybe we can trust him.

Steve starts to wake up and begins to ask where he is and what is going on.

Chris: Relax buddy, my name is Chris. My friend and I saved you, do you mind telling us your name.

Steve: My name is Steve. I currently serve in the national guard. I'm confused, what the hell was that thing chasing me, and what happened? Where is everyone?

Chris: Relax Steve, it's ok. Let me explain this to you. You see 28 days ago, s**t went down. The news started reporting mysterious behavior from infected individuals. Two days after that report, cable was shut down, and 3 days later internet was gone, and finally, after 12 days had passed, all cell towers and power had been shut down in this area. Now those things, we call them walkers. Those walkers, are dangerous. One bite and you turn into them. Anyways, going back to my explanation, 11 days later, meaning 28 days had already passed, we found you and here we are, you, me, and my friend Alex. We’re all that’s probably left.