'Am I Pretty/Ugly' trend


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm looking into why teenage girls are posting all these 'Am I Pretty/Ugly' videos on YouTube. I can't decide whether its for a slice of fame, to find friends, whether its attention seeking, or if it's genuine anxiety... What do people think?
from what I understand (because I have a lot of gal pals that get all obsessed over this) they do it because:
a) other girls are telling them they are ugly
b) boys don't seem attracted to them
c) they don't believe they are pretty, so they want another opinion, but not from anyone they know
d) general curiosity
that's what I've gathered.
"You look pretty"
"No I don't"
"Fine, you're ugly as sin."
"Next time take the dang compliment."

Anyway, the way I see it, it stems mainly from the fact that teenage girls tend to be self-conscious and have a poor body image.
teenage girls are very insecure, and teenage boys are just the same, call one a homosexual and they will most likely threaten you, there are some (me being one of them) that really couldn't care less, which tends to make people angry
"You're Gay!"
me: "Nothing wrong with that"
them: "You mean you are?"
me: "No, but theres still nothing wrong with it"
*walks away*
I get a good laugh from that
I find it really interesting because surely they know they're opening themselves up to a lot of abuse?!?! ComputerGuy- do your girl friends realize they might be trolled if they post videos like that?
"You look pretty"
"No I don't"
"Fine, you're ugly as sin."
"Next time take the dang compliment."
Anyway, the way I see it, it stems mainly from the fact that teenage girls tend to be self-conscious and have a poor body image.

I'ma try that on my girlfriend XD
Yeah, they are definitely going to get a lot of trolling. Kind of a dumb thing to do if you really are self-conscious.
I find it really interesting because surely they know they're opening themselves up to a lot of abuse?!?! ComputerGuy- do your girl friends realize they might be trolled if they post videos like that?
I don't let them post the videos, I stop them, I tell them "Go look in a mirror" little do they know i kinda wrote "You're beautiful " on their mirror shortly before :P