I've Got It
Hey guys.
I've always been told that anything shared in a public forum online e.g. Tweets, Facebook statuses and YouTube comments can be exposed in a YouTube video without the need to hide the person's identity (in this case, their twitter handle). I'm making a slightly controversial video in which I plan to show and argue against some people's negative tweets on a certain issue. Am I required to censor the people's Twitter names and avatars or am I allowed to post their tweets as they are?
I've always been told that anything shared in a public forum online e.g. Tweets, Facebook statuses and YouTube comments can be exposed in a YouTube video without the need to hide the person's identity (in this case, their twitter handle). I'm making a slightly controversial video in which I plan to show and argue against some people's negative tweets on a certain issue. Am I required to censor the people's Twitter names and avatars or am I allowed to post their tweets as they are?