Advice on Video Titles


I've Got It
Hey guys, just here for some advice on the naming of some of my videos.

At the moment I have two ongoing series released every week
"What NASA observes"
"Science in the News"

So at the moment Im including the title of the series in the names aswell as a few of the topics covered.

Science In the News: Week 6 (Counting Plants, Earths Collision and Modifying Human Embryos
Science In the News: Week 5 (Genetic Theft, Asteroid Mining and Thinning Ice)

What NASA Observes : Week 7 (Mysterious Lights, Exoplanet Identification, Sun turns green)
What NASA Observes : Week 5 (Unknown Pluto, Gravity's Grin, Mysterious Mars)
What NASA Observes : Week 4 (Colliding Galaxies, Mars moon Destruction)
What Nasa Observes : Week 3 (Cryo-Volcanos, Flaming Star Nebula and Mysterious UFOs)

I was wondering what would be the best way to structure these titles as im not sure if they are cluttering up my channels look aswell as maybe not attracting people if its a recommended video on the side bar.

Thank you and I look forward to your advice!
Hey, so usually I'd recommend putting the episode specific title first before the series title. In your case with a few topics per video, I'm not saying this will be the best option, but perhaps try for a while putting the most interesting topic at the start of the title with a lot of expression to make it catchy. Then perhaps following with "and more" or with the series title. And then in your description make the full list of covered topics.

The reason I suggest this, is because having too many different topics in your title will just make it bloated, both in the viewer first impression (causing them not to read the rest) as well as in metadata.
I would invert the structure. "1-2 Of The Interesting Topics - NASA Observes - Week Number X" Looking at the video from the recommended section or something you will only see the 1-2 topics but you will want to put the name of the series and week in the thumbnail.
I would invert the structure. "1-2 Of The Interesting Topics - NASA Observes - Week Number X" Looking at the video from the recommended section or something you will only see the 1-2 topics but you will want to put the name of the series and week in the thumbnail.

I have tried that structure out for the last 2 videos, you think that is better?