ADOBE PR/AE Workflow

It all starts with an idea. Once you have the idea, you either forget it or write it down. After writing it down, you get everything you need together and start filming that mo-fo! But we all know this!

So you've filmed your video, and now it's time to put it together, and make it look like a master piece. What do I use to put my clips together, color grade, and make my idea a final product? Here at SilasRowlandTv, we use Adobe products on the PC.

We start by importing our clips to Premiere, and then from there we edit on the time line, combining and cutting to get it precise. After that, we usually sync audio and throw in some music and sound fx. Then, you can cross edit while in Premiere to After Effects by right clicking the files. This will bring that clip in After Effects and allow you to make changes there that update in Premiere.

Then we render out in the highest quality we can as a h.264 file. Then that sucker heads straight to the world of YouTube. What about you? What is your post workflow like?
Pretty much the same here, depends on how much vfx are involved though. Most of the time you can get away with color grading in Premiere and using extensions like magic bullet looks etc. But if it requires effects we will integrate the footage with AE, Boujou and sometimes Cinema4d depending on the shoot.
Heck yeah. I've really never tried any extensions or plugins within Premiere. Might have to check that out.
Pretty much the same here, depends on how much vfx are involved though. Most of the time you can get away with color grading in Premiere and using extensions like magic bullet looks etc. But if it requires effects we will integrate the footage with AE, Boujou and sometimes Cinema4d depending on the shoot.
Heck yeah. I've really never tried any extensions or plugins within Premiere. Might have to check that out.
I'm not sure what type of videos you are doing but if it is just color correction you are doing in AE, you could save some time by doing it in Premiere. It'll increase Render times and limit your workflow to centralize all your work. But if you are doing more than just CC then your method works quite well =)
Most of our stuff in the past has just been color correction on a regular bases and then we have our other videos with muzzle flares and all that glamour. Also, would you recommend doing the overlays and watermarks in AE or Premiere?
I'm not sure what type of videos you are doing but if it is just color correction you are doing in AE, you could save some time by doing it in Premiere. It'll increase Render times and limit your workflow to centralize all your work. But if you are doing more than just CC then your method works quite well =)
Most of our stuff in the past has just been color correction on a regular bases and then we have our other videos with muzzle flares and all that glamour. Also, would you recommend doing the overlays and watermarks in AE or Premiere?
You have all the same functions in Premiere as you would in AE. Change the blend mode of your muzzle flash to add, scale it rotate it, keyframe it from point a to point b. However, if you need to change the muzzle flash or blood spray to be in 3d space then it is best to outsource it to After Effects.

If it is something simple 3d like making it bend a tad, you can just throw the "basic 3d effect" on your muzzle flash or blood spray from Premiere and you can change it then.

But if you are needing to track camera data and apply the image to 3d space so it sticks then you would be best bringing it into AE. =)

Also! What you are doing isn't wrong at all. It is just a step more than it needs to be. I'm just saying you can simplify it if you chose to do so. But it is still awesome that you know AE. Not too many people know the program and are missing out.