Ad friendly by manual review, but aged restricted later???


I've Got It
So I have a video that was manually reviewed and deemed ad friendly. I would assume that if it was manually reviewed, it was double checked by a bot/algorithm or maybe even a real person as a reviewer. My channel seems to be large enough (69,000 subs) to get new videos that I uploaded to be reviewed within 24hours for ad friendliness.

I noticed that ad friendly guidelines are much stricter than community guidelines. If my video is ad friendly by manual review, how the heck is it not okay for general viewing? Also, by being aged restricted, it is currently demonetized. I am going to appeal it. But if the appeal does not work for the age restriction, does anyone know if I can contact someone at youtube to make sure they actually look at my video? Some twitter or something?

This does not make sense for my video to get aged after being reviewed as ad friendly.
Let me explain Youtube to you in seven words. Personal Political Opinion RULES, Common Sense Drools. The reason nothing about youtube's TOS, Community Guidelines, and Ad Friendly Rules makes any rational sense, is because they are not based on Reason. They are based completely on personal political opinion. All the rules are carefully written in such a way as to allow youtube moderators and reviewers COMPLETE flexibility. If Youtube were honest about it, they would get rid of all of their ambiguously written unclear rules and just say; "It's our network. If we don't like it, we will get rid of it."

What it boils down to is this, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil." It does not matter what the rules say, if a person reports a video, it will get struck by youtube. It does not matter if it has been through a hundred manual reviews; if some whiny snowflake person who cannot accept that someone in the world does something different than them COMPLAINS, youtube is going to step all over itself to appease them. The sad truth is, we don't live in a world anymore where reason and common sense rules. We now live in a world where the person who whines the most rules. Think I am making this up? Take this for example. Leeds Trinity University in the UK has banned teachers from using "Capital Letters" and the words "DO" and "DON'T", because they are too "Authoritative" and may "Frightened students." (

Welcome to the New World Order, where WEAKNESS rules and Strength of Character is Banned because it "Scares" wimpy snowflakes. :stomp::banghead::mad::rage:

Sorry for being TOO strong. I am OLD Fashion.