Ad boycott - Post your Views and Earnings here!


I've Got It
First channel:

Second channel:

Look at that... that is misery in one picture! Had this been my only income I would've grabbed the pitchfork and taken the streets! Thankfully I knew better than to trust YouTube and kept my full time job..

I used to earn 1 - 1,5 usd per 1000 views and now it's 0,1 usd per 1000 views.. it's insane.

We need to boil down if this happens across all networks or just a few so I figured that if we all post what network we are in, how many views and earnings we've had in the last 28 days.. Also, what was the ratio before the boycott?

Network: Splay
Views: 2 853 325 views 1 513 250 views
Revenue: 341,42$ 865,14$
Old ratio: 0,9 - 1,2 usd/1k views and 1,1 - 1,5 usd/1k views
I won´t post my earnings here, because i don´t feel comfortable about it. But I have noticed I have had different earnings on different kind of videos and views. I mean the fact that a video with 200 could earn 0.12 USD while a video with over 300 views only earn 0.09 USD!
My views and earnings are down
Last 28 days
2'250'000 views
Est earning $1000

I would normally expect around 3'000'000 views est earning $2000-2500
My earnings this spring have actually been better on an RPM basis than last spring. Only by a little, but still, I definitely haven't had any out-of-the-ordinary blows some people have had.
No network for me.
A couple weeks ago I started making videos with a friend. The channel exploded, and it took us no less than a week to be on our coutry's trending page. We're just about to reach 100k subs. Them earnings tho.... Maybe we'll make 50 € for 500k views....
We're going for pretty much family friendly type stuff, with seldom dirtyish jokes/words. Which shouldn't be a problem, since the largest channels in our coutry are realy heavy on those. We're ok with the low revenue for now. But we'd really like to reach the mythical ~1$ per 1k views, in order to keep making content regularly.
I'm not with any network. I just use Adsense.

The ad boycott started at the beginning of April, right? So here are my stats for this year so far:

It would be cool to see adsense vs network comparation in terms if earnings .. I think that google lost a lot of advertisement customers, but other companies like Curse who sell ad space to big companies, they could be cool in terms of CPM. Or am I wrong?