Active Member
Just got everything how I want it on YouTube so I think I'll try to get the ball rolling on my channel! Mainly it's CoD Blops 2 League Play on Xbox that will consist of raw gameplay clips such as this one vs other Top Masters (1-8 positions) players, commentaries, and maybe even a zombie video then or there. I used to play Diablo 3 very actively with 950+ hrs but I sold all my gear...
http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/56460_489995724364555_1292406378_o.jpg for $950after I sold the final pieces and then I bought my AStro a40s, Scuf Controller (hasn't arrived yet), Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Xbox Live for one year subscription, new HD PVR2 (also have old one) and some other stuff!
When I get my scuff controller I'll be doing a review on it and also an unboxing: ) I'm a claw player on XBOX so I will give you my perspective from playing standard control settings in game (no boxer or bumper jumper stuff) with a claw grip and how I find the scuf controller for quality, and usefulness.
Besides that i'm open to any suggestions on what to make for videos but I'd like to keep it competitive based.
For reference my in game stats are 1.85 kd, 4.8 win loss and I primarily use the M8A1 with reflex site and quickdraw. Although I have been trying out the Target Finder, EOTech and iron sight for it also : )
So if you are interested in CoD and have any questions about it or requests on me doing something different or new just go on by and subscribe and dislike/like any videos (i'm open to dislikes so I know what people DO NOT WANT TO SEE in the future, which will help me build an idea of what people DO WANT TO SEE.) Well anyways thanks for your time, hope to get some feedback.
<3 xHoNNy7 <3