About to leave network - Big Channel.


New Member
I get 3-4 million views a month and due to dissagreements with my current network i will be leaving within a month.

As a gaming channel with 3-4 million views is it possible to go on without a MCN?

What's the cons and pros.
I don't recommend going without. Especially since you are so big. Bigger channels need that extra protection. Small channels can get away with out them
Mr Sark if I recall got by on AdSense alone for a long time, but to be fair, he plays really safe games like Gmod, Sniper Elite, CoD, CSGO, GTA to name his most current 1s. If not, try to find 1 that actually tries to offer some sort of protection but keep in mind; no 1 is really safe from copyright laws if they're breached, even within reason, that includes networks and YouTube themselves.[DOUBLEPOST=1436625879,1436625759][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd say try Jetpak if you're making decent money, it's like $300/m for their max tier which would be much cheaper than paying a network a fixed % but then you still have to pay a % on ads Jetpak serve on your videos, I'm not sure how much you'd make off ads they didn't serve.