About these copyright strikes..

Hi there. I am a new youtuber and new to the boards. Have a serious question about the right way to go about things with my channel.

About a month ago I launched a channel where I react to movie trailers and talk about films in general. I really love it. I don't want anything to happen to my channel and I don't want problems with these big studios etc..

After I passed 10,000 views I went and monetized my videos one by one. Some received copywrite strikes, some green icons have been left along and a couple yellow. In my videos I include the the trailer in picture in picture as I watch it. I also include the poster in my custom thumnail and the name of the film in the title/description.

I see many channels/videos just like mine all over youtube. Do they have strikes? I suppose one cannot answer that. What I am really asking is, what should I do. Is it just one of those things, because I am using their content they will have strikes? Can I appeal? Will something more severe happen like I lose my channel or videos?

Please, any help or insight here would be so very much appreciated. I am not really here to make problems for them or to make huge money. I just really enjoy it and I want to do this legally and correctly and be a positive member within youtube. Thank you!

Hey Johnny.. I'm not sure what happens with the other youtubers similar to you but what I know that if you use other party contents you will get copyright claims. Sometime it allows you to take portion of the revenue and sometime nothing. It's really depends on the claim. You can appeal for sure but it will not resolve the issue. You will not loose your channel but I think if you appeal too much you can loose your channel (unless some policy changed in last few months). In one of my dispute I had that message sent to me. Hope this help.
I see many channels/videos just like mine all over youtube. Do they have strikes? I suppose one cannot answer that.
Yes, count on it. Everyone who uses footage and/or music from films and series has this problem.

What I am really asking is, what should I do. Is it just one of those things, because I am using their content they will have strikes? Can I appeal?
Yes, you will continue to have this struggle, because you are working with copyrighted content. However, you can appeal. There is a thing called 'Fair use', which means that if you alter the content enough that it is actually semi-original, you are allowed to use it. So don't show too much footage continuously, have enough reaction time in between and (just as a tip) try not to use the music/audio too much. Audio gets copyrighted very easily, because they have systems in place to detect it.

Will something more severe happen like I lose my channel or videos?
Probably not, unless you either upload something that isn't fair use or you encounter a particulairly harsh copyright claimer. I would dive into the rules of copyright and fair use (on Youtube) if I were you, so you have some guidelines on what you can and can't do ;)
@Dutchie in England made some very good points in her post above.

I'm not here to give "legal" advice considering that it's not legal. But one thing that does help me in creating movie reviews is to only use Movie Trailers and images from the movies themselves without any movie audio. That way you can still visually show what you are talking about. But also try to keep the video 70% your content and 30% their's at most. Just dive into the whole "Fair Use" concept and you should be just fine. Hope that helps. =]