About my 100 Subs Video


YTT's Grey Warden
Hey, guys! I'd love to have your opinion on this. I reached 100 subs quite a few days ago, but I haven't uploaded my thank you video yet. There's 2 reasons for this delay. First is the fact that I'm quite busy with my life now. The second reason is that I've started to pick up my guitar again and I'm practising with my sister. I'm pretty rusty. Yep, you guessed it! I'm planning to make a cover on a song with her and put in some gameplay footage in between. Is it a bad thing that I'm uploading my thank you for the 100 subs video late? Cuz I'd rather take longer to post a good video than doing something on the spot quickly with crappier playing or something. :P
ive seen people do 100 sub videos when they have like 150 nothing new people will most likely like it anyways if the videos better
Well as its not required to do one, I don't think it therefore matters when you do it. It wouldn't bother me if it came out 60 subs later. Your subs will just treat it as a normal video about a past event. Take your time on it, and upload it when your ready :D
well, what I always say, it's better late than never! I'm sure it's fine, the longer you take to make it shows that you care, and that's good :)