About me Questions

Tom Stevenson

Who knows what I do!
Hi Guys -

I wanna do a video 'about me' where I do quick fire questions so people can learn some stupid things about me. hopefully this will be funny and I want loads of people to join in. so what questions would you suggest for the 'Useless facts Tag'?

I'm looking for really silly things like 'Shoe Size', 'Nostril Diameter', 'Can you curl your tongue?', 'do you look like anyone famous?'...

Thanks - Looking forward to your repplliieesss!!!
Is that a question you'd like to see in the tag - or would you genuinely like to carry my embriotic offspring?
Or do you mean post birth?
I just mean it as a question, I have no desire for anyones babies in reality xD Ther german guy said "I haven't got any at the moment but if I have some spare I'll send them your way"
I just mean it as a question, I have no desire for anyones babies in reality xD Ther german guy said "I haven't got any at the moment but if I have some spare I'll send them your way"

I've never understood the Germans, not to sound stereotypical, but they have everything organized... he will have baby giving in his diary! But ... Yes, Good Question![DOUBLEPOST=1370710629,1370710567][/DOUBLEPOST]
think they might be interested in this tag. It sounds insane and that is what all youtube video creators are like!

Awesome! Well If I get a get of questions down I'll try get people onto it! Thanks for your ideas there brilliant!

I expect you to be doing it! ;)