
Why choose? Your channel is new enough that you can continue to make both. If one style suddenly finds a huge audience and the other starts to lose ground, you can choose that way. Don't set yourself on a path without knowing what's going to work, I say.
You should do what feels right and gives you the most joy. If that's both, then that's both. I also agree with xingcat.
Be yourself, that's what I'd say. When I began I tried to sound more professional, and I didn't get as many views. After I took a break and decided to be myself, more people started noticing my channel. You will look a lot more comfortable on screen as you are not trying to force anything. From there on in, if you look at your videos and feel you need to change something, then adjust as necessary! I think having a balance is important, so try to maintain that, but make sure you are acting in the theme of your channel, and that you aren't trying to be someone else!
i do funny videos, gaming lets plays, game guides. random dog walking vlogs, stoned QnA's from amsterdam and other random stuff

RULE NUMBER 1 OF YOUTUBE - make what you enjoy, if thats multiple things then make multiple things