Gaming A WIDE variety of collab projects for us to do!!!


Let's Player
Okay, so I'm going to try and keep this short! I'm looking to do a wide variety of gaming collab projects for my channel! I made an update video on my channel with specifics if you want to go see it there!

Basically, I need people to work on projects like Mario Kart Wii (Wii obviously :P), Trials: Evolution (X360), Dead Space 3 (X360), Dead Island (X360), Dead Rising 2 (X360), Fable 2 (X360), Fable Heroes (X360), basically any game that is for the 360 or Wii that has MP.

Now I'm just spewing out random games, but basically if it's on the Xbox 360 or the Wii/Wii U, it's fair game for us to play! I'm also going to get the PS4, so if you're getting it as well and want to plan ahead for a collab project, let me know! I have no limits, regardless of subscriber count, gender, channel type, or even age (within reason, of course :P if you act mature, I really could care less how old you are)

My channel is below, and my Skype is MikeThedbacker26, so message me if you're interested!